June 17th, 2020WOD5 Rounds:AMRAP 2:2 Rounds of "Cindy"Max Reps Barbell Movement, 135/95 Adv 165/115Rest 1 Minute Between RoundsRound 1: Power CleansRound 2: Front SquatsRound 3: Hang Squat CleansRound 4: Power Clean and JerksRound 5: Clusters
WOD5 Rounds:AMRAP 2:2 Rounds of "Cindy"Max Reps Barbell Movement, 135/95 Adv 165/115Rest 1 Minute Between RoundsRound 1: Power CleansRound 2: Front SquatsRound 3: Hang Squat CleansRound 4: Power Clean and JerksRound 5: Clusters