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March 30, 2019


In Teams of 2/3

AMRAP 6 min

30/21 Cal Row or Bike

then with remaining time

40 KB Swings, 24/16 Adv 32/24

20 Lateral Bar Burpees

-Rest 2 min-

AMRAP 6 min

30/21 Cal Row or Bike

then with remaining time

40 Overhead Squats, 75/55 Adv 95/65

20 Bar Facing Burpees

-Rest 2 min-

AMRAP 6 min

30/21 Cal Row or Bike

then with remaining time

40 Double Unders (30 BJ)

20 Pullups

*Can start with any AMRAP

*Teams of 3 must hold plank


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