September 11th, 2019WOD"Always Remembered"Teams of 2:Buy-In: 2001m Row(4k Bike)4 rounds:9 Rope Climbs11 Bear Complexes (135/95)Cash-Out: 2977m Row(6k Bike)*if unable to rope climb 5:1 Kipping Pull-ups or Ring Rows 3:1 of 1 Strict Pull-up + 1 Knees to Elbow
WOD"Always Remembered"Teams of 2:Buy-In: 2001m Row(4k Bike)4 rounds:9 Rope Climbs11 Bear Complexes (135/95)Cash-Out: 2977m Row(6k Bike)*if unable to rope climb 5:1 Kipping Pull-ups or Ring Rows 3:1 of 1 Strict Pull-up + 1 Knees to Elbow