Dave Massingale
My first introduction into CrossFit was with my wife, Brandy. We were both invited to CrossFit South Aurora. My friend was coaching at that time and told us that we should try it out. After a WOD that include body weight squats and wall sits I was hooked.
I've always been in some type of fitness growing up. I played rugby and wrestling most of my life and was always in the gym. In High School I was in a strength and fitness class every morning as a requirement for playing sports. After High School I went into the Colorado Army National Guard to become a Firefighter. As I progressed through my career I became the NCOIC of training and being lead of physical fitness in my unit. A few years ago I started my career being a firefighter now with Aurora. Fitness is paramount in my career field. There is a strong belief that our fitness level will determine the outcome of life or death on a fire ground. I've taken this belief and committed myself to CrossFit to keep that level of fitness. A few years ago I found CrossFit Cherry Creek. Seeing what a great gym, program and coaches they had I wanted to join the team. In 2018 I received my Level 1 certification.
The greatest reward I have being a coach is helping others become the better version of themselves. To see that they can over come obstacles and gain new PR's, working as a team motivating each other.
Coaching Experience
CrossFit Cherry Creek | June 2018 - Present
CrossFit Level 1
CrossFit Spot the Flaw
CrossFit Scaling
Colorado State EMT-1