October 15th, 2019StrengthBox Squats7 Sets of 3 SquatsSet #1 - 50% of 1RM Back SquatSet #2 - 55%Set #3 - 60%Sets #4+5 - 65%Sets #6+7 - 70%*Set height to just below parallel, 1sec full stop at bottom.Rest as needed (1-2 minutes) between sets.WOD3 Rounds:10 Thrusters, 115/85 Adv 135/9520 Deadlifts50 Double Unders
StrengthBox Squats7 Sets of 3 SquatsSet #1 - 50% of 1RM Back SquatSet #2 - 55%Set #3 - 60%Sets #4+5 - 65%Sets #6+7 - 70%*Set height to just below parallel, 1sec full stop at bottom.Rest as needed (1-2 minutes) between sets.WOD3 Rounds:10 Thrusters, 115/85 Adv 135/9520 Deadlifts50 Double Unders